“I need QUICK fat loss but I’m rubbish at dieting”
28 Day Fat Loss Plan



FAST FAT LOSS. How much will depend on a number of factors but your plan will be designed to get you the fastest result possible in 28 days. This is NOT a lifestyle diet, it’s a crash, bang, ‘get the job done’ diet.

SIMPLE FOOD. No guesswork. ALL your food will come from fully personalised food lists. There are NO calories, allowances, syns or points to work out. You will NOT have to eat food you do not like, ever!

YOUR HABITS. If you follow the plan it will stop binging, late night snacking, sugar craving and emotional eating dead in its tracks.

ACCOUNTABILITY. Full support when you need it, via WHATSAPP.

EXERCISE. This plan is all about the diet, NOT exercise, however you can of course train and you can earn extra food based off your DAILY STEP COUNT.


FAST FAT LOSS. How much will depend on a number of factors but your plan will be designed to get you the fastest result possible in 28 days. This is NOT a lifestyle diet, it’s a crash, bang, ‘get the job done’ diet.

SIMPLE FOOD. No guesswork. ALL your food will come from fully personalised food lists. There are NO calories, allowances, syns or points to work out. You will NOT have to eat food you do not like, ever!

YOUR HABITS. If you follow the plan it will stop binging, late night snacking, sugar craving and emotional eating dead in its tracks.

ACCOUNTABILITY. Full support when you need it, via WhatsApp.

EXERCISE. This plan is all about the diet, NOT exercise, however you can of course train and you can earn extra food based off your daily step count.



FOR ’26’ DAYS you will need to be focussed, motivated, driven and ON PLAN, eating and drinking ONLY from your personalised food lists. These lists do NOT accommodate alcohol, takeaways or meals/food out (but that’s the point of this isn’t it).


ON ‘2’ DAYS you can be OFF PLAN. On those days you can eat or drink whatever you like as a ‘metabolic boost‘. This will keep your metabolism and fat loss working as optimally as possible.

So if you have occasions planned during your 28 days, use your OFF PLAN days for them.


FOR ’26’ DAYS you will need to be focussed, motivated, driven and ON PLAN, eating and drinking ONLY from your personalised food lists. These lists do NOT accommodate alcohol, takeaways or meals/food out (but that’s the point of this isn’t it).


ON ‘2’ DAYS you can be OFF PLAN. On those days you can eat or drink whatever you like as a ‘metabolic boost‘. This will keep your metabolism and fat loss working as optimally as possible.

So if you have occasions planned during your 28 days, use your OFF PLAN days for them.


 ATTITUDE. A deep desire to finally make a change and give your fat loss results and eating habits a REAL BOOST. If you have had enough of being a slave to food then this plan is for you.

 COMMITMENT. The plan is only for 28 days (and 2 of them you have off) so this is not the end of your life, it’s a kick start to get you on track, focussed and back in control.

 FOOD SCALES. There is no guess work with this, the weights of all your food and drink are carefully worked out just for you, so you WILL be weighing virtually everything. Boring – yes, Necessary – YES. Make peace with it, accept it is something that needs to be done and embrace the control it’s going to give you.

 A PRINTER. Your personalised plan, including your personalised food lists will be around 6 pages long and you will need to print this off. You will also get blank daily planners to help you stay organised and these will need printing too.

 AN OPEN MIND. Your eating habits are going to have to change a little. There will be some foods ‘you always have for breakfast‘ but may no longer be able to. Your personalised food lists can be adjusted to accommodate most things but some stuff will be a no. You will never eat anything you don’t like though.


 ATTITUDE. A deep desire to finally make a change and give your fat loss results and eating habits a REAL BOOST. If you have had enough of being a slave to food then this plan is for you.

 COMMITMENT. The plan is only for 28 days (and 2 of them you have off) so this is not the end of your life, it’s a kick start to get you on track, focussed and back in control.

 FOOD SCALES. There is no guess work with this, the weights of all your food and drink are carefully worked out just for you, so you WILL be weighing virtually everything. Boring – yes, Necessary – YES. Make peace with it, accept it is something that needs to be done and embrace the control it’s going to give you.

 A PRINTER. Your personalised plan, including your personalised food lists will be around 6 pages long and you will need to print this off. You will also get blank daily planners to help you stay organised and these will need printing too.

 AN OPEN MIND. Your eating habits are going to have to change a little. There will be some foods ‘you always have for breakfast‘ but may no longer be able to. Your personalised food lists can be adjusted to accommodate most things but some stuff will be a no. You will never eat anything you don’t like though.

  1. Complete a short online form to provide some basic details about yourself and to make your payment. This is done by card.

2. Your plan will then be personally written for you and delivered to your inbox, usually within 24 hours.


3. We will then go through your plan together and set a date for you to start your journey.

Please click the floating chat icon at the bottom of your screen and ask away. I look forward to hearing from you.



