Chicken, Tomato & Basil Bake
Quick to put together and VERY filling, this dish is for ONE portion (and does NOT include the potatoes 😂)
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Servings: 1 Portion
- 200 g Raw Chicken Breast
- 25g Light Red Pesto
- 30 g Mozzarella grated or fresh
- ½ Brown Onion
- 220 g Chopped Tomatoes
- 6 Leaves Fresh Basil dried can also be used
- Spray Oil
- Preheat your oven to 200℃. Slice your onion
- Make 4 slits through your chicken breast and then share the pesto between those 4 slits. Season the chicken with salt and pepper and place into an oven dish.
- In a pan spray 10 squirts of oil then add your sliced onion, cook this on a high heat for 2-3 mins, stirring regularly, until they colour then turn the heat to low and add your tinned tomatoes and 4 leaves of fresh basil (1 teaspoon dried basil),
- Simmer this for 2-3 minutes, stirring careful so the sauce does not catch and burn and then carefully spoon it around the chicken in the oven proof dish.
- Put your mozzarella on top of the chicken (I popped some paprika on as well in order to give some colour
- Tightly cover with silver foil and place in the oven for 20 mins. Then remove the foil and put back in the oven uncovered for a further 10 minutes.
- Remove from the oven, transfer your chicken to a plate, stir the sauce so that it incorporates the chicken juices, then spoon THAT on your plate and bobs your uncle!